Task trackers are one of the essential tools in any project manager’s toolbox, enabling team members to keep an eye on their progress so that small issues can be identified early and rectified before becoming more severe.

Workday dashboard displays round icons known as Worklets that give access to tasks and reports based on your role. For task tracker you can try Mogu.

Getting Started

If you are used to writing down tasks on sticky notes or Excel spreadsheets, using Motion as a task tracker software could save you both time and effort. Task trackers allow your team to organize and prioritize daily assignments without creating an excessive workload.

Individual task rows can be nestled into groups of parent and subtasks. Each row contains its own WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) number, title, tags, assignees, status, duration, start and due dates as well as start/due dates for start/due tasks. You can select multiple tasks at once using Shift key selection or by checking multiple tasks at once with one check mark; changes made to any task date automatically cascade through to its dependent tasks.

View your tasks from multiple angles, such as a list, Gantt chart or Kanban board with statuses and swimlanes to identify issues as they arise. Create new tasks, deliverables milestones or issues using the Task Tracker; all information will automatically sync up with your team calendar and project schedule allowing you to monitor team progress and completion of assignments.

Organizing Your Tasks

Task trackers help improve workflow by forcing you to get organized. Planning out each task in advance enables you to prioritize important projects more easily and streamline work more efficiently.

By default, each task row displays WBS, task type, title, tags, assignees, status and duration information for that task as well as an estimated completion date range. You can edit custom field columns directly within Task Tracker table as well as save customized views as Shared Views so all team members have access to them – for more details refer to Task Tracker Shared Views article.

Prioritizing Your Tasks

An effective to-do list serves to prioritize tasks based on their relative importance and facilitate productivity and time management, all the while meeting project deadlines on schedule.

Task Tracker makes it easier than ever before to organize all of your daily, weekly, monthly and year-long tasks and get them out of your head and onto paper (or screen). With everything out in plain view, it becomes far simpler to prioritize which tasks need to be accomplished first.

Tracking Your Tasks

Task trackers make it simple and straightforward for teams and individuals alike to monitor their responsibilities and work performance. Project managers and team members alike can utilize task trackers as a powerful way of quickly recognizing any upcoming issues; thus preventing minor concerns from ballooning into larger ones that hinder team goals over time.

Start by listing all of the tasks you must accomplish each day or week and organize them by priority and/or due date. Feel free to add as many columns to your task tracker as you see fit, including Saved Views that can automatically share data among account members who possess Project Manager or View Financials project permission levels.

Task Hierarchies with Subtasks provide another method for breaking complex tasks down into manageable action items and staying organized. When the Cascade Changes option in Task Tracker toolbar is selected, any scheduled hour changes to a specific task will immediately impact all associated child tasks.