Every year, over 2,000 employees require medical attention due to arc flash safety accidents and injuries. Safety training programs are in place to reduce the likelihood of accidents caused by arc flashes. With the correct training methods, teams can conduct work with the information they need to stay safe while working with or near electrical equipment.

NFPA 70E Certification is the standard training requirement. For some employers, providing this training to employees is legally required. Safety software products also protect against arc flashes. The combination of safety training and arc flash labeling can reduce the likelihood of injury and keep teams safe.

While these tools are integral to safe and legal work, they’re not the only secrets of electrical safety training. Additional safety training classes, skills, and techniques are also utilized for safer electrical work. Read on to unlock even more secrets of the trade, like those from Facility Results.

Understanding The Dangers Of Arc Flashes

Many products aim to increase awareness and application of arc flash electrical safety training. An arc flash is a burst of electric energy that turns to extreme heat and light, which can lead to death, severe burns, blindness, hearing damage, etc. It is essential to complete flash safety training so that workers understand the risks and how to conduct work safely to prevent these outcomes.

The electrical safety training Requirements

The requirements of arc flash training consist of mandatory training for employees who work in areas with prevalent electrical hazards. A significant aspect of arc flash training is learning to identify the potential risks of arc flashes and following the safety protocols, such as wearing the correct protective equipment to prevent injury. Taking the necessary classes that teach workers how to respond to these emergencies can foster a safer working environment.

NFPA 70E Course Certification

The standard for electrical safety training is the NFPA 70E document, which can be reviewed in an extended course such as an 8-hour class. The Qualified Worker class can be conducted as a shorter extended class, typically a 4-hour class, which provides workers with what they need to perform work safely in electrical environments. The training includes:

  • wearing correct protective wear
  • identifying the risks associated with arc flashes
  • determining ways to protect against these events

Data Software For Protection Against Arc Flashes

Workers rely on data collection software solutions to record electrical information, protecting them from arc flashes. Essential electrical information is identified with a photo record of every asset. This way, workers can know how to interpret hazardous environments and take precautions to stay safe.

Keeping Your Team Safe With Standard Training and Safety Software Products

With the correct electrical safety training intentions, electrical safety protocols are followed to maximize the safety of workers near or involved with electrical equipment. By completing electrical safety training requirements and investing in the software that keeps your team safe, you’ve identified the secrets to the electric safety training. You can use them to take the best possible care of your team.